Candidate Questionnaire: Minnesota State Senate

MN State Senate District 64

Robert Bushard

Party: Republican

  1. I believe a lack of police presence adversely affects our Asian citizens. When I am elected I will work to provide this police protection. I am proud to endorsed by May Lor Xiong.
  2. I will back educational reforms so that our youth are prepared to achieve meaningful careers and lives.
  3. I am appalled by the procedure and will NOT work to expand or protect abortion access. I will work to ensure medical care is available to every citizen.
  4. I support libraries and recreation centers and will work to provide police protection and funding for these areas.
  5. I will not support mandates for vaccines or lockdowns or any infringement on Freedom!

MN State Senate District 66

Mikki M. Murray

Party: Republican

  1. There are efforts underway to stifle opportunities and achievements of Asians, especially students, to make way for others. This is wrong. I believe in merit. Opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve should be available to everyone. Achievement is earned and should be recognized. Hate crimes against Asians have grown. This is unwarranted and should be addressed as hate crime. Funds and other resources should always be directed to immigrant & refugee communities with the intent of aiding their transition into the overall community. I do not support the state funding of Asian-specific neighborhoods (or any other community). People will gather & live where they like. This should not be state-funded. I am always open to learning. I believe the best ideas for change in the community should come from residents, families, and organizations in the community.
  2. My priorities of public safety, strengthening our economy, and driving for improved education outcomes are actually because of this age group (18-35). I see that this group, more than others, has been most impacted by our failures and is in immediate need of the solutions you’re asking about in this questionnaire. I commit to reaching out and staying in touch with many community-based organizations. I always learn when I do this & it’s important to support solutions and programs that are working.
  3. National data projections, and actual data in MN, point to the abortion industry having a laser-sharp focus on the Black community. It seems part of your premise is incorrect. Abortion services continue to be legal and subsidized in MN. Abortion is not part of my priorities as a candidate.
  4. I absolutely support increased investment in these types of community spaces, along with organized after-school and summer programs. Job readiness, skill development, and jobs should be incorporated in these programs AND supported in the community in general. Many times, community spaces are considered as standalone projects. Including them as part of other projects, like building apartment complexes, would bring about true COMMUNITY development and increase the number of these spaces faster than building them alone.
  5. You’re asking questions for which even experts have no answer. You’re also asking questions as if we’re 2 years in the past. Currently, everything the federal and state government does with regard to COVID-19 is an “exception”. I believe we need to eliminate the structure and focus of emergency exceptions so every sector (public health, all segments of the rest of the healthcare industry, insurance, etc.) can come up with long-term solutions addressing on-going impacts of COVID-19 & how to build back in spite of it.

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Candidate Questionnaire: Minnesota State Senate

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