#Freedom2Drive Press Release


April 5, 2019


Leyen Trang

Communications & Social Media Coordinator


Asian American Organizing Project (AAOP) Responds to House Vote on #Freedom2Drive

ST. PAUL — AAOP responds to the passing the Freedom to Drive bill which would restore driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.

The House chose to restore driver’s licenses for all Minnesotans of age, regardless of immigration status, moving Minnesota one step forward. The bill will now make its way to the Senate before it can be fully passed and enacted.

If the bill passes the Senate, Minnesota will be one of 13 states to have passed legislation that would allow all residents the freedom to drive. The other states include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia have also passed similar legislation.

“We’re excited and opitimistic because this would be a step forward for many Minnesotans, including undocumented immigrants,” AAOP Community Organizer Isabela says. “This bill means all Minnesotans are able to access everyday activities like grocery shopping or picking up their kids from school, while ensuring that roads are safer for all Minnesotans.”

The #Freedom2Drive coalition launched a campaign in February 2019 to restore driver’s licenses for all Minnesotans of age, regardless of immigration status. AAOP is a member of the more than 30-member coalition made of organizations statewide.

Stay updated on the latest news about the #Freedom2Drive campaign and follow the FaceBook page here.


#Freedom2Drive Press Release
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