Asian American Organizing Project Request for Proposal (contract, part-time, temporary)

Project Overview:
Asian American Organizing Project (AAOP) was established from a community grassroots organizing movement. Beginning 2016, AAOP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded to empower young Asian Minnesotans prioritizing LGBTQ+ and women/femme identified to create systems change for an equitable, conscious, and just society. Through a gender justice and critical cultural lens, AAOP addresses issues impacting our young Asian Minnesotan communities through youth participatory action research, grassroots organizing and canvassing, and narrative shift to co-create community change. AAOP engages with local and national partners on issues that affect our community, such as reproductive and climate justice, voting rights, and civic engagement.

Since our inception in 2016, we have embarked on a remarkable journey but have lacked the resources to properly brand ourselves. Our goal is to develop and illustrate a cohesive image of our organization. This would entail revisiting and updating our values and mission statement, along with developing a new vision statement. We want to give AAOP a vibrant new name and logo that is reflective of our identity and acknowledges the work that we do in our community. The rebranding package will support us in creating a consistent look and voice for our organization so we can be more visible in our community but so they can also begin to associate us with our branding. 

Our rebranding budget is $15,000.

Submission Guidelines: 
The deadline for applications will be 11:59 PM on Sunday, September 1st or until filled. When submitting your application to, be sure to include the following: (1) project proposal and (2) your portfolio.

Contact Information: Zong Vue at or 612-452-1586

Scope of Work: 
The rebranding package will include a comprehensive style guide that clearly communicates our organization’s mission and vision, values,  logo, color palette, typographic choices and its uses to ensure that our image and marketing is consistent and cohesive across all mediums and platforms. Lastly, we will need our consultant to develop a strategic campaign to launch our new name and logo to the general public.

DELIVERABLES (**provided in the form of a STYLE GUIDE as well):

  1. Organizational name
  2. Values
  3. Mission Statement + Organizational Vision
  4. Primary logo design
    • With multiple iterations to use for other purposes
    • Logo one-pager guide
  5. Color Palette (main + secondary + additions)
  6. Typography
  7. Uses
    • Templates
      1. Letterhead
      2. Business card
      3. Powerpoint/presentations
      4. Email signature
      5. One-pager 
    • Social Media
    • Swag Mockups
  8. Develop a campaign strategy to launch our new name and logo to the general public
    • Messaging
    • Media platforms/outlets of announcements
    • Timeline of the campaign launch

Our work will begin in mid-October 2024, with a launch date in early to mid 2025. There are key steps (outlined below) during the rebranding process, communication and informal meetings between the Consultant, Associate Director and/or Communications & Digital Coordinator will happen throughout, as often as necessary, so they can provide support and feedback on the project. Outside these informal meetings, both Associate Director and/or Communications & Digital Coordinator will set monthly check-in meetings with the Consultant to meet about project updates and to make space for any questions or concerns about the project. During the early stages of this project, the Consultant will be responsible for facilitating working sessions with full-time staff and our Board of Directors to support the development of our mission and vision statement, values, name and logo design.


  • Vision, goals and scope of work.
  • Debrief about branding history + where we are now
  • The consultant will facilitate in-person strategy sessions with full-time staff  to develop the mission and vision statement, along with organizational values.
  • The Consultant will help plan and implement a process with staff and Board of Directors  to develop and finalize our Organization name. 

The ideation phase will start in early 2025 on these deliverables:

  • Logos
  • Color palettes
  • Typographic pairings + selections


  • Present final designs and style guide to the Communications & Digital Coordinator.
  • Comprehensive timeline for rebrand campaign launch that includes messaging and social media outlets for sharing.

Evaluation Criteria:
AAOP staff will have monthly check-ins with the Consultant regarding progress and as necessary along with one final reflection meeting to close out the project. 

Here is our 2020 Style Guide for your reference. Since then, there have been slight changes.

Important Notes: 
The Associate Director and/or Communications & Digital Coordinator will meet with consultants for the selection process to choose the best suited individual for this project.

Please contact Zong Vue at with any questions.

We strongly encourage individuals who identify as or businesses led by Asian & Pacific Islanders, Black, indigenous, people of color, disabled, queer, trans and women to submit a proposal. AAOP is unable to provide VISA sponsorship at this time.