What are love languages?
Love language are often used as a tool for how individuals want to receive love from the people in their life. Everyone communicates differently and this tool helps name how your loved ones may communicate with each other.
This not only is applicable to personal relationships, but also extends to your professional relationships. It’s important to incorporate this idea of love languages and how to use them into your daily life to ensure that the people in your life understand what you’re trying to say.
The Different Love Languages
There are five commonly accepted love languages:
- Words of Affirmation: This means you prefer to affirm love or appreciation using words such as “I love you,” or “the work you’re doing has been uplifting.” This can show up in speeches or in thank you cards.
- Physical Touch: Physical touches means you prefer to show love through hugs, holding hands, shoulder squeezes, and more. Of course, be sure to ask for consent beforehand!
- Acts of Service: You prefer to show that you care about them through ensuring that their daily life is less of a struggle. You pave the way for your loved ones to have an easier time, whether it’s doing the laundry or sharing some food.
- Quality Time: This means you just want to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. You enjoy spending time with them no matter what you all are doing.
- Gifts: Sometimes you see something and are reminded of that person, so you buy the gift and give it to them. Much like acts of service, where the action speaks louder than words, the gift-giving shows thoughtfulness and effort.
Incorporating Love Languages
Many people don’t have just one love language and oftentimes, these love languages overlap. It’s important to just be aware of these aspects and to bring these aspects into your life.
Maybe you’ve realized that your parents always tended to make sure you were fed and that your laundry was done, but have never said the words “I love you.” Maybe that’s a good time for you to say “I love you” in a language they understand.
Learn more and find your love language.
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