MN Immigrant Family Fund Intake Forms Live Press Advisory

MN Immigrant Family Fund Intake Forms are Live

Press Advisory

The MN Immigrant Family Fund announces the launch of our intake forms today, May 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM Central Time.

Intake forms in English, Spanish and Somali can be found at this link:

An alignment of several nonprofits/organizations locally and state-wide are fundraising for the MN Immigrant Family COVID-19 Fund and will be disbursing these emergency relief funds. This will provide immediate emergency financial support for immigrant families who, due to immigration status, cannot access state or federal support and have a hard time accessing other resources because of lack of documentation, status, and/or fear of deportation. While anti-immigrant deployment of persecution and systemic exclusion remains alive and well, we know we only have one another to care for each other. Our communities have
historically done the caring and we will continue to do so until our communties’ humanities are legitimized and historically marginalized communities are at the center of decision making.

The MN Immigrant Family COVID-19 Fund is rooted in the values of social justice, human rights, interdependence, solidarity not charity, shared purpose, and collective action. When we are all in this together we can create a world each and every one of us thrives, every day.

We will disburse grants of up to $599 on a first come, first serve basis.

We will close the fund on May 12, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., or when we overwhelmingly exceed our capacity to support folks.

Link to Website
English App
Spanish App
Somali App

Press contact: Abena Abraham, 651-239-2484

Call-in Intake and Support:

Khmer: 651-387-1065

Spanish: 612-231-9717

Hmong: 507-403-0234 

Vietnamese: 507-403-0320

English: 206-818-1846, weekdays between 3 and 5 p.m.

As members of the coalition, we are humbled to be in a position to distribute needed resources to our community members, and we are pained at the extent of this material and economic crisis. Please share the intake forms in your network.

If you are in a position to donate to the fund, we will be continuing to fundraise out of Navigate MN. Please send donations to Navigate, or donate at our GoFundMe page here.